
I am currently a Graduate Teaching Assistant at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Previously, I was a GTA at University of Minnesota Duluth. Here is some more information about the classes I've taught.


I have been a GTA at UNL since August 2019. (*) denotes that I taught this class as instructor of record with full course responsibilities.

College Algebra (*): Fall 2021 - Associate Convener | Spring 2021 | Fall 2020
Calculus III Recitations: Spring 2020 | 3 sections, total of 75 students
Calculus I Recitations: Fall 2019 | 2 sections, total of 50 students


I was a GTA at UMD from August 2017 to May 2019. (*) denotes that I taught this class as instructor of record with full course responsibilities.

Calculus I Recitations: Spring 2019 | Met with 3 sections twice a week, a total of 75 students.
Calculus II Recitations: Fall 2018 | Met with 3 sections twice a week, a total of 75 students.
Math 103 - Pre-Algebra (*): Spring 2018 | Delivered lectures to 15 students. Prepared worksheets and exams.
Discrete Math Recitations: Spring 2018 | Helped students, 30 total, with proof writing in an active learning format.
Calculus I Recitations: Fall 2017 | Met with 3 sections twice a week, a total of 75 students.